HR Litterateurs

HR Litterateurs - the writers' club has been born of the management's desire to provide a platform for HRites to showcase & hone their writing skills. HR Litterateurs Club envisions creative young story and novel writers, poets, content writers, bloggers, and more establishing themselves in the professional world, taking their passions to a new level.

The club provides a challenging and inspiring platform for the youths to showcase and hone their writing talents. Contests and workshops, discussions of like-minded writers to experience the pure joy of writing, composing, sharing, and listening, and meeting one's sounding board are glimpses of what HR Litterateurs offers. We believe, that writing comes with a responsibility. Humanity is an essential quality in writers and their content.

Wisdom, intelligence, creativity, and humanity go hand-in-hand. While the club facilitates honing and showcasing of talent, the qualities are necessarily intrinsic and the club respects these in each writer. The vision of the honourable Management and the Principal for each student's holistic development has given birth to this club, and the club keeps striving to nurture these dreams.

ACTIVITIES 2023-2024


August 19, 2023         Participants: 22

The flagship event was organized online to let HRite budding poets showcase their talents, express themselves, and opine via verses, thus the contest name, Visions in Verses. Each poet kept the camera on as per the rule. Themes were provided on the spot. The club congratulates each participant for such unique talent. Team HR Litterateurs had well-organized the event. The following poets bagged the prizes:

Junior College

First: Asma Dadi, FYJC [The Holocaust Within & Dear Winter]

Second: Liezel Kattuparambil, FYJC [Mercy & Parents]

Third: Jyoti Kukrety, SYJC [Parents: Boundless Love & Mercy: A Noble Trait]

Promising Poet:

Iravan Ajgaonkar, FYJC [No Mercy]

Degree College

First: Jayti Nagori, TYBMS [Mercy's Grace & Parents]

Second: Nami Mehta, FYBMMC [Parents & Surviving Holocaust]

Third: Poorva Kadam, FYBMS [Mercy & Parents]

Promising Poets:

Shirin John, FYBCOM [Mercy]

Hrishita Palrecha, FYBFM [Parents: God on Earth & Mercy]


September 16 2023

'Extempore with interesting twists' had junior college students showcase oratory skills with on-the-spot topics even testing the students’ knowledge. It amazingly turned some audience into participants and winners. Mr. Arham Bafna warmly welcomed all and Miss. Lovina Sakhrani explained all the rules.

The event consisted of two rounds. Round 1 saw the participants pick up a topic chit and give a two-minute talk. Interesting topics were spoken on followed by judges’ questions answered by the participants. Round two, more exciting, had 4 optional twists. Participants got differing twists and added humour elements captivating the audience.

The judges Mrs. Bhavna Shah and Mrs. Anupama Sawant highly motivated the participants and the audience. They said that the speakers logically spoke and with each round their confidence increased diminishing the stage phobia. The judges and the club in charge, Miss. Anita Gandhi encouraged the students to keep participating. The winners were awarded gift vouchers. Sirshti gave a vote of thanks. Team HR Litterateurs from junior college which well-organized the event, profusely thanked the Principal Dr. Pooja Ramchandani for her constant motivation and support and the prizes. The Annual Prize Distribution Day would witness the winners bag trophies and certificates.


First: Teerth Jain

Second: Dia Asnani and Ashray Chavan

Third: Raghav Dharwani and Liezel Kattuparambil

Inner Space: Open Mic by HR Litterateurs

November 3, 2023         Attendees: 13

HR Litterateurs offered a platform for poets, writers, and speakers to meet their sounding boards sharing their written works and expressing themselves on their chosen topics. It also aimed at students shedding their stage phobia gaining exposure and boosting confidence. The poets’ expressive poetry recitals captivated the audience. The thought-provoking stand-up comedians' comic stories of the legendary Charlie Chaplin, connecting these to how it affected the people and the great art of living were interesting for one and all. Some even shared paranormal experiences causing goosebumps. The event fostered inclusivity and artistic growth. The club will continue to hold such events for more students to meet the like-minded and express themselves.

The Anthology of Poems & Narratives: An Odyssey of Myriad Genres - Book Launch

April 22, 2024         Participants: 35+ Parents and Students

The Anthology of Myriad Genres Volume 3, with contributions of poems, articles, and short stories by HRITES 2022-23 and 2023-24, and the Alumni, published by H.R. College was launched. Dr. Pooja Ramchandani and the proud parents of the contributors unveiled the book. The poets and writers from the college and the alumni were elated.

Dr. Ramchandani motivated the students asking the students to keep up their passions along with their careers. The messages of Mr. Kishu H. Mansukhani, trustee, HSNCB, Dr. Rani Tyagi, Vice Principal, Degree College, and Dr. Paromita Chakrabarti were read out by team HR LITTERATEURS. They praised the students and congratulated them and the parents. The teacher-in-charge Miss. Anita Gandhi addressed the students and told them how her years of dream of getting published the poems, short stories, and articles of the students was fulfilled with the college publishing the series. The initiative started by her in 2020-21 will continue providing a platform to the talented and skilled students. Each poet and writer was given the individual copy of the anthology as a gift from the college post the launch. Some students shared their overwhelming views about this chance to see their works published and promised to keep contributing their works to the anthology.

As the Social Responsibility of the club and a step towards nurturing the environment, the club had brought Aloevera plants to gift to the students and parents. Dr. Ramchandani was happy to do the honours. Some students then read out their works.
A healthy refreshment of fresh fruits was served to all.


ACTIVITIES 2022-2023


August 6, 2022         Participants: 21

HR Litterateurs, H.R. College’s official writers’ club is born out of management and Principal’s vision of inculcating and honing writing skills of the HRites. It is a platform to give opportunities to the students to showcase their writing skills & meet like-minded students. It’s inauguration and the first event Human Library was organized from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM. Principal Dr. Pooja Ramchandani inaugurated the club and encouraged the students to write and get their works published by H.R. College in the anthology. Degree college Vice Principal Mr. Navin Punjabi and the club incharge Ms. Anita Gandhi too addressed the students and inspired them to write. In the human library, students got to listen to the experienced Mrs. Malavika Nagarkar running the Balakashrams NGO in Mumbai. The event concluded after the Q&A with a vote of thanks.


December 12, 2022

A short story writing contest was held for degree and junior college. Winner Ms. Wafa Machiwala, SYJC student, was presented with a gift voucher, trophy, and certificate on the Annual Prize Distribution Day.


December 14, 2022

A poetry writing contest was held for the degree and junior college in which the contestants had to compose 2 poems, the themes and rules for which were given on the spot. The following students bagged trophies, gift vouchers, and certificates on the Annual Prize Distribution Day:

Degree College:

First Prize: Ms. Jayti Nagori from F.Y.BMS for her 2 priceless poems: Heartfelt Conversations and Teachers.
Second Prize: Ms. Riya Choithani from T.Y.BMS for her deeply thoughtful poem: God and His Colours.
Third Prize: Ms. Aditi Walia from T.Y.B.Com for her valuable poem: Finding Peace.

Junior College:

First Prize: Ms. Hrishita Palrecha from S.Y.J.C. for her impactful poems: Environment and Attitude of Gratitude [to Teachers].
Second Prize: Ms. Dia Agarwal from S.Y.J.C. for her expressive poem: Nostalgia.
Third Prize: Ms. Jyoti Kukrety from F.Y.J.C. for her wonderful poem: Gratitude to Teachers.



August 29, 2022         Participants: 15

HR Litterateurs, the official writers’ club of H.R. College of Commerce & Economics organized an online inter-collegiate short story writing competition ‘THE LITREAT’. Participants from Mumbai and Thane colleges penned stories on the themes of nature as well as used satire and realism. The stories were judged based on theme, plot, characterization, settings, and language. The winners of the competition were awarded E-certificates. The event concluded with a vote of thanks.


March 25, 2023

Faculty in-charge: Anthology, Hr Litterateurs & English Dept. in-charge [Junior College]: Ms. Anita Gandhi

The Launch of the Anthology: A Journey of Myriad Genres Begins [Volume 2, Academic Year 2021-22] was held in the Annual Prize Distribution of Junior College. Dr. Mrs. Pooja Ramchandani, along with the guests, launched the Anthology of Poems, Short Stories, and Articles. 32 ecstatic and zestful students of the 64 who had contributed to this anthology were up on the stage with their copies of their depth-filled literary works, a spectacle to behold; a serious, responsible, and professional contribution indeed.

The first anthology was launched last year on Republic Day, thus, the anthology marching ahead. A free copy each is given to the student contributors by the college, under whose banner the book is published by Dr. Ramchandani. Ms. Kanchankaur Balani [TYBCOM batch 2020-21], the ex-student who had helped Ms. Anita Gandhi, the teacher in-charge, with the club formation was also present on a special invitation. Some Core Committee members of HR Litterateurs [Degree & Junior College], the writers’ and poets’ club of this college, who are also the poets, were also on the stage. Some proud parents of the student poets and writers were part of the audience.

The teacher in-charge and editor of the anthology, Miss. Anita Gandhi congratulates every poet and writer and invites them and more HRite poets and writers to keep contributing to the anthology year after year and keep afire this passion in their lives. The next volume of the anthology invites poems, short stories, and nonfiction including articles.


ACTIVITIES 2021-2022


January 26, 2022

H.R. College of Commerce & Economics launched its first anthology of poems of the HRites batch of 2020-2021, on the 73rd Republic Day of India, in an online event attended by young HRite poets, their parents and friends.

Mr. Kishu H. Mansukhani, President of the HSNC Board; Dr. [Mrs.] Pooja Ramchandani, Principal of H.R. College of Commerce & Economics; Chief Guest Mrs. Meghna Pant, a celebrated author, feminist, journalist, speaker, columnist & screenwriter, unveiled the anthology of poems - The Creative Young Bards.

The programme started with the Ganesha & Saraswati Vandana and Navras - the Moods, which are expressed by the poems too, by Ms Gautami Taggerse, a trained Bharatnatyam dancer. Mr. Mansukhani congratulated the students & motivated them to write more and go beyond. He regarded this publication as a milestone for the college, HSNCU & HSNC Board. He infused all with zest by stating that he would sponsor the next anthology.

The Principal interacted with the poets & their proud parents and declared that the next anthology would be a combination of poems & short stories, this anthology would be a part of the college website & this publication would continue annually. The Chief Guest, Mrs. Meghna Pant adulated the poets’ works, asked them to keep dreaming & work hard to fulfill their dreams, shared some of her life experiences that had influenced her & asked the students to believe in themselves. Degree college Vice Principal Dr. Navin Punjabi encouraged the students as well.

The Creative Young Bards, HR Litterateurs and the Junior College English Dept. in-charge Miss Anita Gandhi too addressed the students, eulogising their myriad emotions and opinions expressed through their works. Miss Gandhi added that these were the first poets to be published by the college in an anthology of poems and they would leave a legacy for the coming batches of the HRites. Some of the talented young bards recited their impactful poems. A vote of thanks was given by Miss Anita Gandhi and the event ended concluded with the National Anthem.

The event can be viewed here


" For submissions of poetry, short stories, articles, photographs of your artwork, DSLR photographs, your achievements in H.R. College, Contact/see @hrlitterateurs "