About the Library
Library Services
Library Best Practices
Library Committee
Library Staff
Open Educational Resources
Ask a Librarian
Activities 2023-2024
Activities 2022-2023
Activities 2021-2022
- Objective
- Computerisation
- E databases
- E books, E Journals, E Newspapers
- Multimedia Learning Resources
- Language Lab
- Research Software
- Digital Repository of institutional reports
- Collection
- Membership
- Rules & Regulation
- Fair Use and Copyright
The Library of HR College supports the mission of the college and is committed to providing information leading towards excellence in commerceandbusinesseducation.
HR's Library is also bound to help students gather multifaceted knowledge and thereby facilitate the process of knowledge revolution and overall and holistic personality development.
The Library is fully computerised with SLIM 21 which is an integrated Multi user, multitasking library and information software. Library also has purchased DColl module of SLIM for developing digital repository for the institution. It also has barcode scanners, barcode printer and mobile mini computer – slim inventory device which facilitates effective shelving, stocktaking and circulation activities.
Library has a Digital Library & Research Centre equipped with 21 multimedia computers offers access to
Books: | 59000+ |
Periodicals: | 62 |
Audio-Visual Resources: | 850+ |
Databases: | NLIST, JGATE, IDI, CBM |
The Library follows the open access system.
Every bonafide student of this College become a member of the library. No library fee is charged. A Library Borrower's Card is issued to each student on submitting the identity card, a photograph and the FirstTerm Fee Receipt. Libraryfollows “One Id Card” system.
Every user can borrow twobooks per week for home lending and one book/non book at atime for Reference Reading. If a borrower damages/loses thehook he/she shall have to replace the book. If it is not availablein the market then the borrower shall have to pay the marketprice plus replacement charges.
The charges for overdue books will be Rs.1.00/day for firstoverdue week, Rs.2.00/day for second overdue week andRs.5.00/day for next period of overdue. For reference books thefine would be Rs.5.00/day.
Readers are requested to use the books with care. They should not do any marking with pen or pencil in the books, nor should they fold pages nor try to remove pages from books and magazines or take unissued material out of the library. The library is a Silent, No Mobile, No Eatables Zone. For serious study a calm and peaceful atmosphere is necessary and we therefore, request the readers to help us maintain such an atmosphere in the Library. Students should refrain from causing disturbance to others.
Defaulters will be fined as per the university guidelines. Themembership of the library will be cancelled immediately if aperson is found guilty of violating wilfully the rules and regulations of the library.
At the end of the second term all books must be returned to thelibrary. However by special provision, books would be issuedduring examination period. The Librarian will issue a 'No DueCertificate' to borrower who has cleared his/her account. This is necessary for obtaining the refund of Student Deposit from the College Office.
Reprography: Under Fair use, part of the book or articles of journals, parts of research papers, technical papers are permissible to photocopy for personal study/research or teaching assignment only. Please Note that photocopying more than one chapter or 10% of total available pages may not be considered under the fair use. Photocopying entire out of print book for distribution purpose is not permitted.
E-Resources: The subscribed E-resources can be used by licensed users only, sharing of passwords is strictly prohibited.
Library Photo Gallery
- Exclusive Collection
- Digital Library
- Air-conditioned Solar powered Reading Room
- Reference Queries
- Research Guidance
- Inter Library Loans
- Institutional Repository
- Library Orientations
- Library Assignments
- Library Credits
- Library Volunteerism
- Language Lab
- Video Lab
- Book Exhibitions
- Theme Displays
- Many More
Prof. Dr. Pooja Ramchandani | Principal |
Dr. Madhuri Tikam | Librarian |
Dr. Jehangir Bharucha | Sr. Faculty |
Dr. Navin Punjabi | Vice-Principal Degree College |
Dr. Jasbir Kaur Sodi | IQAC Coordinator |
Dr. Chandani Bhattacharjee | Faculty |
Dr. Rita Khatri | Faculty |
Ms. Bharti Jethani | Faculty |
Ms. Laxmi Pillai | Faculty |
Ms. Dipika Rokade | Assistant Librarian |
Dr. Madhuri Tikam
Assistant Librarian
Ms Dipika Rokade
Administrative Support
Ms. Pooja Garde
Mr. Akshay Mandavalekar
Mr. C. K. Yadav
Mr. K. Mishra
Mr. P. Haram
ACTIVITIES 2023-2024
- Around 268 books were added to the library which mainly includes textbooks, books on Finance, Management, Economics.
- Library subscribed Ebsco Business Core E books Collection (8000+)
- Library under renovation work. Shifting of library books and furniture is carried out whenever required.
Audits & Inspections
- Library presented its collection and services to LIC Teams for Research Centre approval of HSNC University, Mumbai visited the H R library on February 17, 2024.
- Library presented its collection and services to the Academic Audit Team on March 26, 2024.
Library Personnel Training Programs
The Library staff attended a series of training sessions conducted by KRC, HSNC University, Mumbai to upgrade with new technology and developments.
KRC OPAC & EBSCO Database Training and Doubt Solving
Two Training Sessions for Faculty members and Research students of H R College were conducted on October 17, 2023 (Tuesday). The resource Persons were Prof Madhuri Tikam, Director (Ag), KRC and Mr G K Upadhyaya, Sr. Training Manager, EBSCO Information Services.
Expertise Offered
- Information Literacy Sessions for PhD Students
Prof Madhuri Tikam, Director (Ag), KRC and Prof. Priya Pillai, Librarian BTTC conducted Information Literacy Sessions for PhD Students at BTTC Campus in the month of September 2023.
- UGC approved two credit courses on Research and Publication Ethics (RPE)
Dr Madhuri Tikam under KRC conducted UGC approved two credit course on Research and Publication Ethics (RPE) November 20 – 25th via virtual mode. She took a session on Research & Publication Ethics on November 24, 2023. Research scholars of H R college attended, benefitted via the course. The participants appreciated the course a lot and expecting similar endeavors in future.
- RUSA Sponsored 2 Day Capacity Building Symposium for Young Academic Library Professionals
A 2 Day Capacity Building Symposium for Young Academic Library Professionals on 21st and 22nd December, 2023 at BMN Campus was organized by KRC, HSNCU, Mumbai and BMN College.
Librarian Dr Tikam delivered a session on Mark your style - leadership games and a Panel discussion on Institutional contribution: Multiple hats you can wear. H R college Library staff Dr Dipika Rokade and Mr. Akshay Mandavkar attended the symposium.
- Data Harvesting Session
Dr Tikam delivered a session on Data Harvesting to students of Guru Nanak Khalsa College on February 2, 2024.
- CAS Expert
Dr Tikam has worked as VC Nominee Subject Expert for CAS interviews at University of Mumbai on January 6, 2024 and at National College on September 30, 2023.
Awards & Recognitions
- BOS Chairperson/Member
Prof Madhuri Tikam, was appointed as Chairperson of BOS, Library & Information Science at HSNC University, Mumbai and as a Member of BOS, Library & Information Science at University of Mumbai.
- RDC Member
Prof Madhuri Tikam, was appointed as Member Research & Development Cell at HSNC University, Mumbai.
- Minor Research Grant
Prof Madhuri Tikam, received Minor Research Grant from HSNC University, Mumbai for the topic “Develop a Union Catalogue of Sindhi Collection available in various institutions under Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board”.
- National Conference By SLIM
Prof Madhuri Tikam, was invited as Chief guest at the National Conference organized by SLIM software. A keynote address on Latest trends in Libraries was delivered to more than 100 library professionals nationwide.
- Summit 2023-2024, organised by KRC D Y Patil, Nerul Prof Madhuri Tikam, was invited as Panelist at Summit 2023-2024, organised by KRC D Y Patil, Nerul. The panel discussion was held on the topic Transforming Academic Libraries: Catalyst for Educational Change in the NEP 2020 Era. Dr Tikam elaborated ways for seamless integration of digital resources in the learning process to support effective implementation of NEP.
Library Committee Meetings
Library Committee meetings were carried out on March 28, 2024 to discuss the library challenges and developments.
Library Photo Gallery
ACTIVITIES 2022-2023
The library is committed to providing information leading towards excellence in commerce and business education. It is located on the first floor offers an air-conditioned Solar Reading Room with seating capacity for 140 students.
Besides this, a special room which accommodates about 60 students is kept open as additional reading space. The Open Access Collection facility is offered from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on working days. Library subscribes e-resources like NLIST, Ibl, JGate, CBM E- books. The library is Fully Computerized and collection details can be accessed with “Any Word Anywhere” facility via SLIM21 - an integrated, multi-user, multi-tasking library information Windows based software. The library conducts Orientations, Research Guidance Sessions, Book Exhibitions, Book Talks, Library Volunteerism Programs etc. on a regular basis.
- Around 469 books were added to the library which mainly includes textbooks, books on Finance, Management, Economics.
- Library upgraded its library system in September 2022 from SLIM 21 to cloud based SLIM along with iProx for remote access to E-resources.
The library staff of H R College Library visited Asiatic Library on June 10, 2022. The visit was organized by Knowledge Resource Centre, HSNC University, Mumbai to explore the collection and services of the Asiatic Library. The staff learnt how to clean, stack and preserve the library books to enhance their life. The various instruments, material and processes involved were also explained in detail by the conservation specialist Mr Sunil Bhirud.
LIC Team for Ph.D. Centre and Research Guide approval of HSNC University, Mumbai visited the H.R. library on August 5, 2022.
H.R. College library hosted the One-day Workshop for KOHA Open-source Integrated Library Management Software conducted by KRC HSNC University, Mumbai & Maharashtra Rajya Granthalay Sangh on August 6, 2022. 50 LIS professionals benefitted from the session.
Annual Library Cleanup Drive was carried by NSS Students of H.R. College on August 18, 2022. The students cleaned the reading room and the library collection. The library staff appreciated the efforts of the students.
Library upgraded its library system in September 2022 from SLIM 21 to cloud based SLIM along with iProx for remote access to E resources. A series of training sessions were organized for the same on September 15, October 20-22, 2022 & March 13, 2023.
Librarian carried out “First Love Yourself” (FLY) sessions for library staff during Navratri (September 26 - October 6, 2022). The sessions included Chair Yoga, Pain Management Yoga, Brainstorming sessions and teambuilding games. A Navratri Color Theme Book display was also created by the participants.
A demo of ProwessIQ database was held for the Commerce faculty members on October 14, 2022. The Prowess database contains financial performance data from 1989 of around 50,000 Indian companies. It offers variety of search and retrieval modes which are useful for researchers in Commerce & Finance.
A video session on ‘How to Read Books Faster & Effectively’ was held on October 15, 2022 on the occasion of Vachan Prerana Din.
Dr. Tikam visited Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust Library on December 6, 2022 to explore the modes of mutual beneficial collaborative efforts.
- On January 21, 2023: Mr. Dhnaji Lavate, Librarian of Hind Seva Parishad’s Public Night Degree College, Santacruz visited to know about best practices of H.R. College library.
- Dr. Jaydev Kadli, Librarian, Lala Lajpat rai College visited H.R. Library for CAS Guidance on March 15, 2023.
- Principal Jitendra Aherkar, B.L. Amlani College of Commerce & Economics, Principal Satinder Kaur Gujral, Reena Mehta College, Principal Pratima Singh, Chandrabhan Sharma College of Arts Science and Commerce, Powai and Librarian Mr. Sunil Ubale,Chandrabhan Sharma College of Arts Science and Commerce, Powai visited H.R. College Library on March 18, 2023 to learn record Management system of the library. A full day training session was held by the Librarian, Dr. Tikam.
- On January 22, 2023, Author CA Mr. Percy Rustomjee and HR Alumni visited H.R. library to release his book “Mansarowar”. The book covers multilingual poems and experience about his manas sarovar yatra. The publishing team also joined the event.
- An online session “Be a Business Champ” was held February 21, 2023 by Mr. Malay Damania author of a book “Business Champ.”
Dr. Tikam offered her expertise to different organizations for following
- “External Referee at Ph.D interview committee at University of Mumbai on 25 January 2023.
- A seminar was conducted at G N Khalsa College on “Unique Skills & Compatibilities in the field of LIS” on July 25, 2022.
- Two sessions on Publication Ethics and Publication Misconduct were delivered to Research Scholars of BTT College on September 17, 2022.
- Conducted Library Audits for Hind Seva Parishad’s Public Night Degree College, Sanatacruz and Chandrabhan Sharma College of Arts Science and Commerce, Powai on January 11 and March 14, 2023 respectively.
- Signed Mentorship Programme of SHPT School of Library & Information Science, SNDT women’s University as Mentor since March 4, 2023.
- CAS Committee VC Nominee Subject Expert at SIES College, Sion (January 9, 2023) and Mittal College, Malad (January 10, 2023).
- Gust lecturer and Guide for MLISC Thesis work at University of Mumbai for the academic year 2022-2023.
- The Librarian - Dr. Madhuri V. Tikam received recognition award for successfully completing 25 Years at H.R. College of Commerce & Economics.
- Librarian Dr. Tikam attended The Week Seminar on August 26, 2022.
- Librarian Dr. Tikam and Assistant Librarian Ms. Rokade attended Knowledge Feast 2022 on September 30, 2022.
Library Photo Gallery
ACTIVITIES 2021-2022
The Library is committed to providing information leading toward excellence in commerce and business education.
It is located on the first floor and offers an air-conditioned Solar Reading Room with a seating capacity of 140 students. Besides this, a special room that accommodates about 60 students is kept open as additional reading space. The Open Access Collection facility is offered from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on working days.
Library subscribes to e-resources like NLIST, Ibl, JGate, and CBM E-books. The Library is Fully Computerised and collection details can be accessed with the “Any Word Anywhere” facility via SLIM21 - an integrated, multi-user, multi-tasking library information Windows-based software.
The Library conducts Orientations, Research Guidance Sessions, Book Exhibitions, Book Talks, Library Volunteerism Programs, etc. regularly.
ACTIVITIES 2021-2022
After the lockdown of about one and half years, the library became fully functional post-Diwali. The library followed the post lockdown guidelines for library usage. 119 books on various subjects were added to the library.
The library has updated its software, which has more added features like auto-generated emails, bulk user registration, QR codes, and Google Books links in OPAC for value-added efficient services. Training Sessions were arranged between February 24 and April 28, 2022.
December 7, 2021 & April 27, 2022
During the year library committee meetings were conducted for discussing various issues regarding post-lockdown services and library development were discussed during the meeting.
September 20, 2021
Discussions were held on various topics such as post lockdown library services, challenges, and solutions, innovative practices, collaborative activities, etc. Library professionals from KC College, KC Law College, HR College, Thadomal Shahani Engineering College, and Smt. M.M.K. College of Commerce & Economics, Principal K.M.Kundnani College, Bombay Teachers' Training College, Advani Law College, and Watumul College joined the session and shared their valuable inputs.
Member Registration and orientation for E-databases were carried out for NLIST, Jgate, and IBI databases from March 6, 2021, onward.
HR College of Commerce & Economics arranged a voluntary library audit for further improvement of the library system - given the expected NAAC Peer Team visit - on October 29, 2021. Dr. Shehernaz Nalawalla, Vice President, Asiatic Society Mumbai, and Dr. Jaydev Kadli, Librarian, Lala Lajpat Rai College of Commerce & Economics, Mahalakshmi shared their views regarding library improvement. They appreciated the library's best practices, record management, and digital initiatives.
As an annual event this year, the library organised a hybrid book exhibition on March 9, 2022.
Experts and faculties of board colleges visited exhibition of Sindhi books from January 10-31, 2022.
October 15, 2021
Vachan Prerana Din was celebrated by the library. The library created a video on this occasion to the promotion of reading culture.
Dr. Tikam, visited various university-level libraries to learn about their best practices and services.
December 10, 2021: NMIMS Deemed-to-be-University, Vile Parle
March 10, 2022: University of Mumbai, Fort
March 16, 2022: Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Matunga
The library has organized demonstrations for various hardware and software, which were attended by library professionals and faculty members.
Sr No. | Details | Dates | Attended by |
1. | Allied Computers: Digitization | December 3, 2021 | H R College |
2. | Drillbit: Antiplagiarism software | December 15, 2021 Trail Version: (December 25 - 31, 2021) |
H R College K C Law College |
3. | Knimbus M Library Portal | February 12, 2022 February 16, 2022 March 04, 2022 |
H R College K C College BTTC College |
4. | Koha Library Software | March 11, 2022 March 21, 2022 |
H R College K C College BTTC College |
5. | Slim Library Software | March 17, 2022 April 28, 2022 Trail Version: (April 26-May 05, 2022) |
H R College K C College BTTC College |
6. | Libsys Library Software | March 22, 2022 | H R College K C College BTTC College |
7. | Libman Library Software | April 11, 2022 April 22, 2022 |
H R College K C College BTTC College |
8. | Thoughtsync: KIOSK | May 5, 2022 | H R College K C College |
9. | Modular Infotech Digitization | May 7, 2022 | H R College K C College |
10. | Rapid radio: RFID & KIOSK | May 11, 2022 | H R College K C College |
Ms. Manik Riswadkar, Assistant Librarian has taken voluntary retirement since September 2, 2021. Interviews were conducted for the post of Assistant Librarian on a contract basis on October 12, 2021. Ms. Dipika Rokade was selected and joined The H.R. Library on December 1, 2021.
On February 23, 2022, Mr. Prashant joined the library in place of Mr. Shivkumar who was transferred to the board office.
Director, Knowledge Resource Centre, HSNCU, Mumbai
Dr. Madhuri Tikam has been assigned additional charge as Director (Ag.), Knowledge Resource Centre, HSNCU, Mumbai Since February 11, 2022.
The career advancement scheme interviews for a professorship were conducted on April 2, 2022, which granted professorship to Dr. Madhuri Tikam.
Dr. Tikam was invited to conduct interviews at Xavier Institute of Engineering, Mahim on March 26, 2021.
Dr. Tikam was invited to the interview panel of HSNCU, Mumbai to conduct interviews at KC College, Churchgate on April 5, 2022.
Library Audits
The librarian conducted library audits for Smt. K. G. Mittal College (August 3, 2021), Wilson College (August 20, 2021), and MMK College (March 29, 2022)
Resource person
Dr. Tikam delivered lectures to MLISC Students of the Department of Library Science, the University of Mumbai on Management and Digital library throughout the year.
On May 7, 2022, Dr. Tikam delivered a lecture on Data Harvesting to History Department students of Khalsa College, Matunga.
On April 21, 2022, the librarian was invited by Co-operative Education Program, Wilson College, Charni Road to deliver a lecture on "Career in Library and Information Science"
On April 30, 2022, the librarian demonstrated the Mendeley – Reference Management Tool to the Botany Department of Jaihind College, Churchgate
Research Assistance
Dr. Tikam was invited to Doctoral Research Committee (DRC) Meeting on February 18, 2022, at The Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU).
Dr. Tikam was invited for Presentations and viva voce of MLISC students of the Department of Library Science, University of Mumbai.
Research Assistance
Dr. Tikam was invited to Doctoral Research Committee (DRC) Meeting on February 18, 2022, at The Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU).
Dr. Tikam was invited for Presentations and viva voce of MLISC students of the Department of Library Science, University of Mumbai.