Post Graduate Programmes
Under the Credit based semester and grading system from the academic year 2012-13, the duration of the M.Com. programme shall be 2 years, consisting of 4 semesters. The examination for semester 1 will be held in the second half of the academic year in which the l e a r n e r w a s a d m i t t e d . S e m e s t e r 2 examinations will be held in the first half of the calendar year.
Scheme of Examination: The performance of the learner can be evaluated in two component. One component will be the internal Assessment component carrying 40% marks and the second component will be the semester End examination carrying 60% marks.
Standard of passing
The learners shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate to qualify each course where the course consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination. However, the learners shall obtain minimum of 40% marks i.e. 16 out of 40 in the Internal Assessment and i.e. 24 out of 60 in Semester End Examination separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade E in project component whereever applicable to pass a particular semester.A learner will be said to have passed the course if the learner passess the internal assessment and semester end examination together.
ATKT rules as per revised circular from academic year 2017-18
Semester II
A learner shall be allowed to keep term for semester -II, Not withstanding, that he/she may not have appeared for Semester- OR, irrespective of number of courses of failure in the Semester- I
Semester III
A learner shall be allowed to keep term for semester -III, 1) Notwithstanding, that the learner may not have appeared for the Examinations of Semester- I & or Semester -II, OR, ii) Irrespective of number of courses of failure in the Semester-I and/ or semester -II
Semester IV
A learner shall be allowed to keep term for semester -IV, irrespective of number of courses of failure in the Semester- I and/ OR Semester -II, and /OR Semester -III, A learner is allowed to appear for semester -IV Examination' but the result of semester -IV shall be kept in abeyance until the learner passes all courses of Semester - I, II, & III.